Clement Kanyinda Malu

Clement Kanyinda Malu

Professor, University Rey Juan, Spain

Clement KANYINDA-MALU: is currently a Visiting Teaching with the Department of Financial Economics and Accounting (area of Statistics and Mathematics) at University Rey Juan Carlos (Marid, Spain). He received the B.S degree in Physics from University of Kinshasa (DRC). After his first steps in Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy during its assistantship at Dept. of Physis (Kinshasa), he joined University Carlos III (Madrid) where he received the PhD degree in Physics ( 2004), devoting most of his studies in polaron and electron-Phonon interactions in nanostructures QDs. He also participated in theoretical researches aimed to understand nanostructures growth mechanisms. Nowadays he combines his experience in nanostructures to analyze and simulate optical properties in III-V semiconductor-based solar cells devices using both effective medium theories and transfer-matrix methods.