Dr S. Joseph Antony

Dr S. Joseph Antony

FRSC, University of Leeds, UK

Dr S. Joseph Antony is an Associate Professor at the School of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Leeds, U.K. His research expertise is in the area multi-scale modelling and experimental mechanics of materials in both discrete and continuum form. He has a strong expertise in materials modelling including MD, DEM, FEM and analytical methods. His experimental approaches include a wide variety of advanced characterising and stress sensor techniques including photonics (PSA), AFM, SEM, PSAT and IR tomography, and DPIV. He focuses on linking the effects of material properties at exceedingly small scales (molecular/nano/micro) to bulk scale mechanical, electrical and chemo-mechanical properties in a wide variety of engineering applications. Joseph has published over 150 papers in several reputed international journals and conference proceedings. He actively participates in the activities of particle technology community in U.K and abroad. He holds membership in several international professional bodies and serves in the technical committees in his area of research including the ASME committee on the constitutive behaviour of materials. Currently, he serves in the editorial boards of more than 10 international journals and a regular reviewer of several leading journals including Physical Review Letters and Physical Review E. He has won many awards, including the prestigious M.I.T Young Research Fellowship for Exemplary Research in Computational Mechanics and the Certificate of Merit as an Example of Outstanding Achievements in U.K Particle Science and Technology in 2002, PTSG, IChemE, U.K. He has served as a guest editor for the Jl. Granular Matter and the lead editor of the book ‘Granular Materials: Fundamentals and Applications’, published by the Royal Society of Chemistry, London in 2004. His research sponsors include EPSRC, Royal Society, DTI, ICI, BNFL, P&G, Pfizer, Borax Hosakawa Micron, Bridon International Ltd, Merck Sharp & Dohme and DuPont (U.K). More details on his research activities can be found in: http://www.spanglefish.com/drsjosephantony/