Yves Huttel

Yves Huttel

Senior Scientist, Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid, Spain

Yves Huttel received his Ph.D. degree in December 1995 from the University of Paris-Sud, Orsay, France. During his Ph.D. period, he studied the catalytic oxidation and passivation of Al and InP surfaces. The work was performed at the CEA of Saclay, France, and also at the Synchrotron Radiation Center of Wisconsin Madison, USA, under the supervision of Professor Patrick Soukiassian. After obtaining the Ph.D. degree, he worked at the synchrotron LURE, France, at the University of Paris-Sud, France, and at the ICMM, Spain. He also performed a short postdoctoral research at the synchrotron of Daresbury Laboratory, UK, under the supervision of Professor G. van der Laan. After that, he went back to Spain at the IMM to work in collaboration with Professor A. Cebollada and under the supervision of Professor G. Armelles. In 2003, he joined the Surface Physics and Engineering Department at the ICMM that belongs to the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Spain, with a Ramón y Cajal Fellowship. Since 2007, he has been working at the ICMM as a Permanent Scientist in the Low-dimensional Advanced Materials Group. His topics of interest are low-dimensional systems including surfaces, interfaces, and nanoparticles and XMCD, XPS, and nanomagnetism.